Tour of Beauty

Out walking this morning, I listened to a new podcast, with the original founder of LinkedIn (about entrepreneurship, innovation, change, success, etc), and at one point he was talking about the difference between a founder, and a leader/team member (and how to know the difference, when to quit) and what those things mean (etc). Anyway, it was a really long interview (and I was listening on 1.5x speed).

But, at one point he mentioned the concept of a "tour of duty", but on first hearing, I really thought he said "Tour of Beauty" and I immediately reacted (somatically) positively. I noticed that I literally lightened.

But then I replayed the piece, as from the tone and overall gist of the discussion, I was surprised he'd say "Tour of Beauty" (but who knows). On playback I realised he'd actually said "Tour of Duty". Honestly, I was disappointed, but I get it.

But, this inspired me too. It made me think about the feminine and masculine in us all. These concepts are not about gender. What if, for all of us, our personal/career or entreprenerial/corporate "tour" could include some beauty? It's a polarity. Yin/Yang. Duty AND Beauty. Both poles hold wisdom, and exist in us all, if we're brave enough to look.

I've been inspired by a couple of authors if you're curious to hold this a little longer.
- Maureen Murdock (memoir writing and her incredible work in "The Herione's Journey")
- Jennifer Ambrust's Sister(dot)is (This is about transforming our relationship to money, to work, to the earth, to our bodies, and to each other)

Is any of this resonating for you? Time to slow down, reframe, re-see, and breath in your tour of beauty?


2025: Adaptation rules.