Job Security Fears?

If you are wondering, "how safe is my role?", you're not alone. My Youtube feed is filling up with personal stories, and I'm hearing plenty of anedoctal tales from my networks. So, here are a few of my end of year thoughts as we barrel towards 2025.

What's going on?

  • Cost/productivity pressures.

  • Global unrest, recessions etc.

  • Tech (AI) advances are changing our workplaces and yes, impacting roles and job security.

  • Changes in leadership/ownership/governance.

  • Job advertisements are significantly down in New Zealand (and probably elsewhere). Competion for roles is high. (And, some advertisements are "ghost ads" - lots more to say about this).

  • And a million other possible situations such as politics and power. For example, information withheld, being undermined, reputation sabotage. Lots more to say about this too, for leaders, and anyone who is genuinely trying their best, but confused and concerned - which you should be. (I’ve much more to add to this).

How could you "future proof" and prepare yourself? Possibilities include:

There are things you can do (a sense of agency is key).

  • Build, nurture and deepen relationships/networks both in your inner circles and wider too. This has always been really important but it is more important now in complex and fast changing organisations and environments. Not only for your current role, but also for future-proofing yourself.

  • Adaptability, agency, focus, courage, vigour are keys.

  • As is your own development. If you are not developing yourself, as a leader and as a human, you will get left behind.

  • If you are becoming a "tool", a "cog" you are more likely at risk. Focus on your uniquely human strengths, e.g. including intuition, practical skills, empathy, sensitivity, your relationships and how you make people feel when they are with you. These are the things that will stand you apart. (I’ve much more to say about how we can identify and understand our unique strengths).

  • Think about big questions: What do you really want? What matters most? Where are your sparks? What makes you feel "vigour"? These are deceptively simple question worthy of reflection. What is a good life for you? Usually people think about core pillars, such as: Financial/Career, Health, Life. Take stock for yourself and choose your focus. When you do this, acknowledge where things are going well because positive emotions are strengthening and contagious.

  • Challenge yourself with some direct questions such as - if you were really brave, 10x bolder, what would you try?

  • If relevant for you, in your situation, dust off and update your career materials and start window shopping and talking to people (widen your options and horizons). This makes it less arduous if the time comes. You could consider AI to help you too with this. (I do with my clients at times and while it's often not brilliant, it's a start).

Lastly, just have a lovely holiday! That sometimes is all we need. And then unpredictable things always happen and who knows what 2025 will bring, but hopefully, you'll be more ready for it.

#personaldevelopment #leadershipdevelopment


Stress Levers


When is it time to question your beliefs?